EXPORT ONLINE - International Trading Platform Export

Foto Export Online.

Greetings Community,


The international trading platform Export.Online is created to solve the existing problems and difficulties of exporters associated with the start and conduct of activities in international trade. The project combines disparate tools and databases in one-stop-shop mode, allowing clients to reduce their time for preparation and execution of an international transaction by more than 3 times and improve the efficiency of their business by increasing the productivity of their employees. No need to have a large staff or independently look for multidisciplinary specialists on outsource, just connect to the Export.Online platform and implement the whole process there.

What does the international trade deal for Export.Online look like?

1. Choosing a target market, conducting market research, searching for potential buyers.  

On the platform will be implemented intuitively understandable interface, which combines and structured in the sections of various information databases:
• Database of counterparties,
• Customs statistics,
• Tax regimes of different countries,
• Information about tenders,
• Grants and subsidies.
This means that you can search for the information needed to evaluate different markets, potential contractors and customers. The search is performed not only in the context of a single country, but by industry, field of activity, trade turnover statistics for the commodity categories you need (HS).

 2. Reliability Check

Through integration with leading insurance companies in the world, Export.Online provides data on the reliability and financial stability of companies already at the stage of their search. Information is provided by the "traffic light" system. This means that at the search stage you will see a short rating:
• Green - the counterparty is reliable
• Yellow - there are nuances
• Red - high risks
After a particular counterparty is selected, through the platform it will be possible to order a complete certificate of the company with in-depth analytics and recommendations on the volume and terms of trade credit. 

3. Finance and Services

Due to cooperation with leading financial institutions and service companies, on the platform will be implemented the whole range of related international trade services:
• Letters of credit, factoring,
• Bank guarantees,
• Trade finance,
• Postponement of payment of customs duties,
• Logistics services,
• Smart contract,
• Arbitrage transaction,
• And more.
4. Interaction with active clients

On the first transaction, the business does not end and it is important to send product updates, maintain communication and have access to essential information about existing counterparties at any time, being sure that it has not been altered or falsified. Export.Online offers the whole range of interaction:
• Assortment Management,
• Electronic document management,
• Tracking delivery,
• Tracking changes in the counterparty's reputation,
• Messenger.
In turn, mobile app for IOS and Android will always keep abreast of events.

5. Current News and Quality events

Only actual and accurate information from the verified media of different countries, high-quality events, exhibitions and seminars from the accredited organizers of the platform. Search by countries, regions, cities and topics of events and news. With the help of Export.Online the entry to the international market accelerates more than 3 times!


To implement the Export.Online platform, advanced technologies are used to create highly loaded portals, reliable block systems and data storage, namely React, Hyperledger, IPFS.

Web interface
SaaS solution written in React language and integrated with SAP Cloud. Integration with external services is done by API.
SaaS is a service model in which subscribers are provided with ready-made application software, fully serviced by the provider. The provider in this model independently manages the application, giving customers access to features from client devices, usually through a mobile application or web browser.

React is a library for creating user interfaces. One of its distinctive features is the ability to use JSX, a programming language with close to HTML syntax that is compiled into JavaScript. Developers can achieve high-performance applications using Virtual DOM. With React, you can create isomorphic applications that will help you get rid of the unpleasant situation when the user looks forward to when the data download finally comes to an end and on the screen of his computer there will finally be something besides the loading animation. The created components can be easily changed and reused in new projects. A high percentage of code reuse increases the coverage of tests, which in turn leads to a higher level of quality control. Using React Native Mobile applications for Android and IOS, using the experience of JavaScript and React development.

• Virtual DOM can improve the performance of high-load applications, which can reduce the likelihood of possible inconvenience and improve user experience;
• Using the isomorphous approach helps render pages faster, thus allowing users to feel more comfortable while working with your application. Search engines index such pages better. Since the same code can be used in both the client and server parts of the application, there is no need to duplicate the same functionality. As a result, development time and costs are reduced;
• Because of the re-use of code, it's much easier to create mobile applications. The code that was written at the time the site was created can be used again to create a mobile application. If you plan to use not only the site but also the mobile application, there is no need to hire two large development teams. 


Name - EXON
Ticket - EXON
Standard - ERC20
The Early Bird round token is a utility and can be used to gain access to the platform service or exchanged for an ICO token, subject to passing the required KYC/AML procedures. Will be frozen on the investor's purse until the end of the ICO.
The Pre-Sale round token is a utility and can be used to gain access to the platform services or exchanged for an ICO token, subject to the necessary KYC/AML procedures. Will be frozen on the investor's purse until the end of the ICO.

The ICO round token is security and allows you to profit from the project activity


For More Information:

Author: johnthedon
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1860087


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