BitEsprit - a new step in the blockchain economy

The blockchain technology integrates actively into real economics: services for the purchase of goods, registration of documents, investment are created. However, in order to convert coins to Fiat money and choose a project to invest in, one must have special knowledge. The newcomers, who desire to take part in the cryptocurrencies development, are to install applications on their own and pay high commissions for the tokens purchase.
The BitEsprit project team create a simple and effective platform for the cryptocurrencies trading, the digital and fiat money exchange, the ICO participating. The developers have aimed to unite all crypto services into one app.

The common concept of BitEsprit: a universal token; the possibility to share the experience with users and utilize advanced trading tools
What is BitEsprit?
The BitEsprit platform is an app for currency purchase and sale, investment in ICO, tokens conversion to digital and fiat assets.
• Trading strategies of experienced users. The BitEsprit party chooses a successful strategy and copy it to receive the guaranteed income.
• Integration with fiat currencies. ButEsprit allows trading with such currency pairs as bitcoin - dollar, ethereum - euro and others. Deposit is made in digital and fiat currencies.
• Withdrawal of funds to the debit card. BitEsprit users can transfer earned dividends directly to personal cards. This procedure reduces the number of commissions and saves time on non-cash bank transfers.
• The ICO participation without extra commissions. The BitEsprit team provide users with the list of reliable ICO to invest in through the program. The participation in ICO doesn't require registration of new cryptocurrency wallets, transactions or service fee payments.
• Online multi-cryptocurrency wallet for assets storage and exchange. The app is separated from the BitEsprit exchange, so users will be able to transfer and exchange currencies however they like.
BitEsprit goal is to unite all the operations with cryptocurrency assets on one platform, excluding extra commissions and reducing risks of investment for beginner users.
For instance, a user has bought 3 ETH and plans to invest them in ICO. After the registration in BitEsprit, he receives the list of reliable projects, the ability to buy tokens, sell ETH on the exchange, convert it to fiat money and transfer to a personal card. There is only one app, but so many operations are accessible.

Example of traders' rating on the platform: a user sees a common number of participants, is able to look for a needed one and leave comments.
How does BitEsprit work?
The platform is based on the trading system, integrated with the service of electronic payments, The creators implemented the «all-in-one» conception by adding currency pairs for more than 100 crypto-coins and fiat money. The users get a BEC token for participating in s system with minimum volatility, relevant courses, and absence of extra commissions.
The comfort of BitEsprit usage is based on four principles:
• Accessible interface. Servers clustering allows updating data online. 99,9% of the data is available without lags. The interface without special terms allows beginner users to understand the system. The app is accessible for iOS and Android. You can sell cryptocurrency from anywhere in the world.
• Exchange tools. Stock charts include Ichimoku cloud, Fibonacci retracement, and other advanced tools for experienced traders. The way of their utilizing can be discussed in chat rooms, good ideas can be saved in the profile.
• Reliable information. BitEsprit is created according to ISO and PCI DSS, which are security standards and payment instruments. A newcomer passes the KYC procedure, BitEsprit participates in AML, which is a program combating the illegal use of funds.
• The currencies integration. Cryptocurrency and fiat assets “work together”: BitEsprit offers the link between bank accounts, cryptocurrency wallets, and user's debit card. Such an approach guarantees the security of funds and the ability of their fast conversion.
According to Roadmap, the creators are focused on the registration of the project in accordance with all the requirements of the law. BitEsprit is located in the United Kingdom, the platform development and members' selection to the team are being carried out since the third quarter of 2017. Despite the absence of the working MVP, the technical features of the project can be evaluated by Sneak Peek, screenshots of the application. The users see the logic in the member profile structure and the tools available for trading.
How is BitEsprit developing?
According to Roadmap, the main stage of development is planned for the 3rd quarter of the current year after the end of the collection of funds. The ICO begins 27 April 2018. It is expected to collect $43 million (HardCap). $50 is a sufficient investment to participate in the ICO. It'll be a good news for the investor, that the token price will be raising permanently and three stages of pre-sale (1 BEC will cost 0.30, 0.50, and 0.65 according to the stage)
According to Whitepaper, the main goal of the company is to create a functioning app. That's why there is a bug hunt program (3rd quarter of 2018). The other aim is the full registration of a legal entity. The team is located in Hungary but legally registered in the UK.
The team includes bankers, jurists, programmers, and developers in the blockchain sphere. For instance, Zsolt Volner, the head of the innovation department, worked in the largest billing companies serving the Olympic Committee. Despite a very long perspective of app launching (in Roadmap the 1st quarter of 2019 is mentioned), BitEsprit attracts the attention of many beginner investors and experienced traders thanks to its accent on legal and technical sides of the issue.
The BitEsprit project integrates tools for the exchange trading, the currency exchange, the trade learning on one platform. The users take part in ICO, convert currencies, create new strategies, share their opinions in profiles.
Why is BitEsprit attractive for investors? It integrates fiat money and cryptocurrency on one platform, it is also oriented to beginner traders, which constitute the majority. Detailed Whitepaper, the desire to obtain legal status and the issue of debit cards attract the attention of professional investors who regularly earn on cryptocurrency trading. What are BitEsprit's chances of success? The developers are going to cooperate with SWIFT and SEPA, the largest payment systems in the world.
Author: johnthedon
BitcoinTalk Profile Link:;u=1860087


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