LEDU Education Ecosystem
About Education Ecosystem is a decentralized ecosystem for learning about new technologies and trying them out hands-on using free practical projects. We are like GitHub on video for developers. Education Ecosystem is building the world’s biggest learning ecosystem for developers, starting with the six topics: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, game development, data science, cryptocurrencies and programming. The main participants in the ecosystem are project creators, viewers, moderators, API developers and developer-focused companies. Project creators create educational projects and are paid monthly, lifelong royalty fees as viewers learn from their projects. We offer developer-focused companies Developer-Relations-as-a-Service (DRaaS) automation, which enables them to reach their target audience in the most cost-effective way. As of 2018, there were 23 million developers globally. This number is expected to reach 27.7 million by 2023 as the demand for software developers...